
  • Veftro-optic modulator lithium noobite modulator 1550nm produluator

    Veftro-optic modulator lithium noobite modulator 1550nm produluator

    Lithium niobate electro-optic phase modulator(lithium niobate modulator) has low insertion loss, high bandwidth, low half-wave voltage, high damage characteristics of optical power, chirp in high-speed optical communication system is mainly used for light control, phase shift of coherent communication system, sideband ROF system and reduce the simulation of optical fiber communication system in Brisbane deep stimulated scattering (SBS), wdg

  • Rof-am 1064n lithium NiobateMgbakwunye ngwa ngwa

  • A na-ejikwa ihe ngbanwe nke Linbo3 ike (ihe eji eme ihe na-enweghị atụ, na sistemụ mkparịta ụka dị elu, laser na sistemụ ngwa ngwa n'ihi na nke ọma. Usoro r-m na-adabere na ihe owuwu MZ na X-cut imewe, nwere njirimara anụ ahụ na kemịkalụ, nke enwere ike itinye ya na nyocha na usoro nyocha.
  • ROF WASTRO-Optic Persociator perm usoro polarization mkpochapu mita

    ROF WASTRO-Optic Persociator perm usoro polarization mkpochapu mita

    Agelge Channel / Dual Channel na-eme ka ọ na-anwale ogo polararization dị iche iche, nnwale na-agbanwe agbanwe, akwụkwọ sekọndrị nwere ike ịlele, ma nyochaa data, ma nwee ike ịmalite usoro nnwale akpaka. A na-eji ọtụtụ ihe na akụrụngwa ngwa ngwa, ngwa ọdịnala na nnwale ndị ọrụ anya, nnukwu ike dị elu, ezigbo nnwale, na-eri ezigbo ntụkwasị obi

  • Vavelọ mgbakwunye ROF Watchro-Optic na-efegharị 1064nm ike veralitor 2.5G